Complimentary colours
I'd like to borrow a few minutes of your time to talk a bit more about colours. There's always a lot to learn on this subject as the...
So since i have been having photographic trouble as of late, the post I was planning on doing on my new look, will have to be postponed,...
Bridget Bardot, a fashion icon ahead of her time.
Do you ever wonder where fashions come from? Or how popular styles or looks became popular in the first place? well I shall tell you. It...
High heels (pt. four and final)
Time for my final pair of high heels, and my most favourite: 1. This style of shoes comes highly recommended by me. they finish a...
High heels (pt. three)
In continuing last weeks post, I'll start up the countdown again of all my high heels. 10. These are wild things, but I love them. they...
High heels (pt. two)
So all of my friends, have at one point or another, asked how many pairs of shoes and boots altogether I own. So I decided to show off my...
Warm feelings.
Hey :) sorry I'm late with this weeks post, but we're in the holiday season and such, so I hope you let me slide. Have you ever been...