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Bridget Bardot, a fashion icon ahead of her time.

Do you ever wonder where fashions come from? Or how popular styles or looks became popular in the first place? well I shall tell you. It isn't designers, it isn't the clothing industry that starts selling one style so everyone buys it. Instead it has one simple shallow explanation of coming to be. Clothing sported or rocked by only the most popular of celebrates, is inevitable become popular. There are so many examples of such occurrences, but that is not the point of this post.


"What is the point?" you must be asking, the title and opening shared two seemingly unrelated thoughts. I'll tell you. The point of this post is to recognize a woman who is perhaps one of the largest icons of modern fashion in 2017

Bridget Bardot, Many of the popular styles we see today, or saw even in the eighties, come directly from her. Weather or not they branched out to new hosts along the way, she wore these styles long before they came into popularity.


Over-sized sweaters over floral pants, large sunglasses with big side parted hair, and flats with jeans, were just a few of the iconic looks she originated which are now some of the most popular fashions.

This week I've decided to keep it short, but I count her as one of my own fashion role models. Oftentimes I find myself reflecting her image without even having done it on purpose. If you are searching for some classic fashion inspiration to create your own iconic looks, give her a try. I assure you she is worth the Google.

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