So since i have been having photographic trouble as of late, the post I was planning on doing on my new look, will have to be postponed, or completely overlooked. Instead I am going to introduce you to a style that has been an explosion in the fashion industry this year.
Mori fashion, or as the root meaning in Japanese "forest fashion." Mori fashion is easy to apply to any season and weather, due to layering and variant colour collages.
Mori fashion is also closely related to faeries, since as naturally faeries tend to live within the green forest walls. Also some think of robin hood when considering mori fashion, and the 1190's clothing era.
Thus the fashion is bound to both men's and women's clothing. Layers are key, boots weather they be short ankle boots or as high as you can imagine are also widely applied. Men tend to bend toward browns and green, darker and lighter shades of grey, while women utilize the full scale of the colour wheel.
When men wear mori fashion, they also tend to wear a lot of fur. Trying to apply it to almost all of their outfits, it adds a decent amount of interest.
If you are looking to add just a splash of this trendy fashion to your on wardrobe, keep your eyes open. You may be surprised at just how many of the clothes being sold/worn have strong mori roots.
Girls' mori fashion has so much variety that it is easy to create an entire variant wardrobe. Dresses and skirts are a large part of mori fashion, but so are pants of any length. also any hair colour or length easily goes right along with the new look.
I'm going to leave you with just a few more images to spark your appreciation, or inspire your own look or closet collection. Thanks!