Complimentary colours
I'd like to borrow a few minutes of your time to talk a bit more about colours. There's always a lot to learn on this subject as the entirety of fashion is based off of just three things. These three things are shape, pattern, and colour. The best shape for your clothes, and yes, the best patterns are almost completely dependant apon the person wearing them. Colours, on the other hand, fend for themselves very well.
what I mean by saying that colours fend for themselves. is that anyone can really pull off any colour as long as they aren't wearing it to an excess. If it is a colour that needs that extra push so you can pull it off, a great way to balance it out is with a complimentary colour. I touched on the concept a while back: Alas I think it's time I really opened up to the subject and introduced you all to some ideas.
Complimentary colours can be as over used as the christmas colours red and green. A sad fault for sure, as not whenever most anyone sees the two colours together, the only thing that they can be acquitted to is Christmas. By nature these same colours are used much more widely than candy cane stripes and evergreen boughs.
Picture in your mind, a bright red cardinal sitting in the grass. By the same colour wheel and combination we are brought the fresh shades of pastel pink and a mint green. These two make a great summer colour combination but they are hardly ever used together. Twist the colour wheel a tiny bit to the left and we have the natural shades of the watermelon's yellow green rind and it's pinkish fruit touched with purple.
Using nature again as my primary example, I'll point out another bright complimentary colour combination. Keep in mind that any colour has a compliment. all you must do to find it is have a colour wheel and look for the colour adjacent to the one you have already picked.
Just as pansies dress themselves in dark purple and bright yellow, so can you. Yes it is a bold colour move, but you can always tone it down my picking just complimentary accessories, and a neutral colour or two for the rest of your outfit.
I'm going to throw together some complimentary colour looks and outfits to get your creative brain started. Let me know what you think via the contact tab at the top of the page. Thank you so much I hope this was helpful.