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Black and white stripe do's

Lately the bittersweet taste of black and white stripes have been in my mouth. So much variety in a set theme. Right now this is my favourite thing. A completely monochrome outfit. No colours at all. just the brashly opposite lights of white and black.

Whether you want to have just one touch of stripes on your outfit, or if you want to be decked out it wide vertical splendor, it san look great and express the edgy modern person you are.


Life is black and white, there might be a few shades of grey too, but we all know that as far as feelings go, it's usually one way or another. Guys this is a very underrated pattern on men. I think you should try it out.

It's just a question of experimentation. Narrow stripes or wide. Mostly black, or more white. Horizontal, vertical, or even diagonal. Personal preference is key. How would you like to portray yourself? how do you feel today, or most days?

If monochrome isn't for you, or you want to add a splash of the dramatique, add one bold and bright colour.

Women can embrace so many different clothing accessories and styles that black and white stripes can never be over used. Classic dresses, modern skirts, blouses, shoes. Just a few of these could bring together a professional and original wardrobe of it's own, or a few chic outfits for a fun filled outing.


Here are a few outfits I put together. Be assured they were just as much fun wearing as they were to put together.


Now a picture of the classy and handsome James Dean, wearing a striped shirt.

Alright, that's all I have for you guys. Please be bold. Try new things. experiment. Always be searching to find out who you really are, because who you really are, is always changing. Bye!!

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