Fashion trends for 2017 and my closet "remodel"
Hello, people, and welcome to my 18th week on the "blogging scene". In all honesty recently I've been giving some though to finishing up and leaving this blog to it's own fate.
I started it originally as an outlet for my own fashion design and inspirations, and I hoped it would be a way for me to personally effect the development of fashion. Instead I found myself feeling like I wouldn't look fashionable unless I followed whatever else was already declared fashionable by a well known celebrity or designer.
I felt less and less like my self, and more and more like all the other sheep, and have finally decided to be more careful to look the way I want to look. I hope you all can understand that, and possibly relate. you should dress the way you want to, and the way you look good even if it's not in "popular fashion."
That all having been said, I'll add a link that will show you all the newest trends for this year, and you can decide weather or not you approve of them for your own personal lifestyle.

As you may know, something else I've been working on is reorganization and a bit of remodeling on my closet with one of my roommates. It was getting a little crowded in there with my own personal shoe collection, my hat collection, my fancy dress collection... and everything else of mine besides my three roommates' clothes as well.
It was past time to do something about the state of things, so we took out the racks. There was one of each of these on two sides of the closet. once they were out of the way we were able to place them a little better.
On the left side, we moved one of the racks up, and put the other rack under that. That way, we had twice the storage ability on that one side, since most clothes hang shorter anyway.
The shirts we hung on the top rack, very fancy shorter dresses and a hanging pocket organizer I got off of ebay containing bandannas of all different patterns and colours. On the lower rack we put all the remaining skirts, jackets, and shawls.

On the right side, we hung a shelf in the middle,for extra stabilization and put a new rack in between that and the wall, higher up than the original rack of course, thus ensuring the remainder of all our closet clothes, floor length dresses, long coats, and other long miscellaneous items wouldn't drag on the floor.

The last remaining wall space was used to nail or screw in boards with hanger hooks for all our much needed belts ;)

The shelves that we didn't need to move in order to change the height of the clothing racks, we left as they were for storing boots and hats mostly.

I think that's enough for this time. I will not be discontinuing my work on this blog, but the posts will be coming at a more natural pace for me. Thus I'm leaving myself without a deadline, to encourage less stress on my own part. If you have any questions, let me know via the contact tab at the top of the page.