Dusty Rose
Today I'd like to talk about fashion's hottest fall trend. I'm crazy about this one guys, and I fell in love with it just as it was...

Shoe racks...
To start things off I'm going to talk a little bit about storage. If you balance your fashion anything like I do, and I mean with a...

Why I love thrift shops,(pros. and cons.)
Let me start by saying everything I am currently wearing I got from all my favourite thrift shops. Jewelry, hats, jackets, shoes,...

Fashion trends for 2017 and my closet "remodel"
Hello, people, and welcome to my 18th week on the "blogging scene". In all honesty recently I've been giving some though to finishing up...

High heels (pt. three)
In continuing last weeks post, I'll start up the countdown again of all my high heels. 10. These are wild things, but I love them. they...

Casual Tips #2 shirts; men's tee's.
Sleeveless t-shirts, also known as tank tops, are a true compliment to muscular forms. My personal favourite, is a muscle shirt, or as...

Skirt lengths and body types.
Okay, so I know skirts aren't the most popular clothing item, but they are elegant and cute, so you need at least three in your wardrobe....