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High heels (pt. one)

Well now that I have written a post about men's boots, I think it's a good time to write about women's shoes. Just so you all don't feel left out ladies. ;)

shoes are the most popular women's accessory, and I think we can all see why,

who doesn't love something that is both practical, and a statement about who you are. You could wear shoes that are so unique to yourself that it doesn't matter what else you're wearing.

There's so much variety in women's shoes that it is a rare occurrence to find someone else with the exact pair of shoes as yours. It's less upsetting now than it ever has been. Instead of it becoming an awkward element to make you feel cheap and second-hand, it is something for women to link up on. Something that they have in common, a mutual interest. I hope that is what you all would do if you came across someone else with matching shoes to yours.


There are just so many different types of shoes that I will have to separate things into different posts. Today I'll just list of the different names of the heels on high heeled women's shoes. I won't go too much into detail. This way it will be easy to remember the things I do say, and apply them to finding the right kind of shoes in the present, or the distant future. All right, let's get started.

Pumps are possible the most important heels to know about. They are usually not too narrow, so you can walk pretty easily in them, and they usually are from seven to twelve cm. high. (three to five inches)


Another type of heel you should be well acquainted with is the stiletto heel. These are about the highest heels that are out there, and they are dangerously narrow. Few have mastered the fine, and underrated art of getting from one place to another in them. A theory of mine, is that this has something to do with their daring name.

Stiletto's are always longer than pumps, and are oft-times accompanied by a platform sole to allow for a longer heel.

Platform heels are another thing altogether:

Usually platforms are boots, but there are a lot of high heeled boots, and they have a variety of all the different heel styles.


My personal favourite, are called spool heels. They are wide close to the sole, then they get slimmer, then wide again at the bottom. I suppose the shape is kind of like an hourglass. These are usually medium to short length, and I think they are the best because usually they are petite and elegant. They add a little extra height without the aggressive stress to your feet that higher heels will cause. They are also very easy to walk around in, due to the wide bottom.

A squarish variation of these, are called "French heels". Although french heels are usually more squat, and quite short.

The image isn't the best quality, but it gives you the idea.


Kitten heels are somewhat like pumps I suppose, but they are pretty short. The shape of the heel is also usually a bit more curved or elegant; but Their appropriate name stems from their small stature, and overall cutsie look.

They don't offer as much curve however, as a "comma heel."

Comma heels are odd, and I have never had the opportunity to test out their durability. Much less have I tried their capacity for actually walking in, but from what I have seen they are very likely quite difficult to get around in;

They are most certainly "not" a closet must have, but if you are of a more daring or adventurous spirit than I, you should give them a trial shot. Just be sure to walk a bit in them before their initial purchase, so you will be able to tell if you really want to take them home.

I should say the same thing about all other types of experimental shoes though, as they could be practical, or even comfortable to another person, when they just are not a good match for you. "Trial and error my dear associates"


Well I am sorry, girls (or guys who are looking to learn about women's shoes) but I've run out of time on this project. There are so many more types of Heels that I haven't even touched on, and this would have been an excellent opportunity to demonstrate my own collection of high heeled shoes and boots. Alas you will have to look forward to that in a future blog post.

Again, with any questions or comments, I would love it if you got back to me. Please, guys, let me know you're out there. I'll get back to you later this week hopefully, with a bonus post. "Yay!" ;)

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