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Fiction fashion

Hello, welcome to my new blog "fiction fashion." today's post is going to be more of an opening and introduction. My focus is going to be on something I think is the most important standard of fashion, and has always been there from the beginning. One must look good.

casual comfortable menswear
The first step of looking good is to naturally look good. This step is not as hard as it might seem. the truth is, whether or not you want to accept it, almost everyone looks good. and the people who don't even do in at least one way. You must learn to look at yourself through someone else's eyes. You do look good, so work with what you do have.
The second step of looking good would be to look good to yourself. Other people's advice can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. Have you ever heard the saying, "You can't please everyone"? If you follow your own individual tastes then you will earn other peoples' respect, and still love the way you look.

The third step is to go through your clothes and dispose of those ones that just don't work with your figure. Sure there will be that t-shirt that a near and dear lost person gave you for your 12th birthday that was just a couple thousand sizes to big. by no means am I saying to get rid of precious keepsakes like that, but use your best judgement. By having only good looking clothes, no matter what you pull our of your drawer last minute to throw on, you can be sure that you are always fashionable.
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