New Shoes at a bargain.
Today I'd like to share my two new, and highly loved pairs of shoes. I'd been looking for shoes such as these with their specific style and colour for a couple months, and it was practically a miracle that I finally bumped into them.
As the seasons change, so does the season of my life. It has come time for me to search out a new clothing strain of colours, culture, and styles. Thus ridding myself of the former image that gave people the false impression that they knew all there was to know about me. Also getting them to see the different, and more foreign side of me. Perhaps a newer side too, since every one of us is constantly changing.

My new image is straight Gothic. The style surfaced from underneath grunge and classic images to the clear cut look that it has now become on me. Thus my style change to dramatic shoes, was a given must. Do not think for one moment though, that this means I will abandon all my other styles of clothes. Quite contrary to that, I have found that at any given moment or day, I feel the need to express myself differently again. so I'll change style again perhaps temporarily, but always dramatically.

In a previous post I mentioned that my favourite brand of shoes was quite possibly Wild Diva. This has become decided for sure after the recent purchase of my new platforms of the same brand:

These were sold to me at the low price of $6. They have an invisible amount of ware, and are a bit over-sized, but as previously stated, I really like the way that looks and feels. I was amazed to find these shoes but I soon found they were impractical in more ways than one. The open toed style made it harder in cold weather, or when my nails weren't done. The heel was a bit narrow for the overall mass of the shoes so it was a bit hard to balance in. Lastly the larger size made the ankle strap loose, and not at all stable for walking long distances or on difficult ground. All problems I could live with, but to really wear these shoes all the time, would go beyond foolish. With a heavy heart the solution brought itself to my mind. I would need another pair of shoes, a similar style, but without the previously mentioned flaws. My financially challenged personality, was disappointed. Would I have to give up the idea of the complete Gothic look? Alas another miracle crossed my path. There on the boots shelf in a goodwill very near my current abode, was the exact pair of shoes I needed, for the matching price of $6.

They are a perfect fit with a bit of ware on one of the laces, but I look forward to a photo shoot proclaiming my new style and my amazing new shoes. Goodwill to the rescue once again. Putting my high heeled count from 14, to the grand number 16.
Next time someone tells you you own too many shoes, just use me as an example. ;)