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Men's Boots.

Boots are one of the most defining clothing items that men can have. They say quite a bit about his personality, age, financial state, and last but not least his availability status dating wise. Understanding men's shoe wear to the point of being able to tell weather or not they are single is a skill that takes nothing but experience, thus I cannot teach it. Sorry girls.

Short boots are the most practical and widely used boots for fashionable men in this generation. There are four types of these shorter boots that are essential to know in able to choose the best style that defines you.


The first of these, the chukka boot, is an excellent choice for a man with an active outdoors lifestyle, who still cares about the way he looks.

It shows edge, power, and energy. it has a grunge style that keeps a dark, hardcore look about itself, and it is also usually associated with the English Industrial scene. It's usually defined by it's thick sole and heavy lacing up the front. These boots are best worn with Dark jeans either tucked into, or bunched up above the boot.


The desert boot.

This boot will show people looking on, that the person wearing it has an artistic side, and a cool street style with a dressed up look. These boots are usually associated with the 90's, hip hop, and most commonly graphic designers of this era. They are usually defined by their lightweight cloth and simple out of the ordinary high laced look. These boots are best worn with lightweight casual pants, like ones you would choose to wear sneakers with.


The Chelsea Boot (beetle boots)

Wearing boots like these says you're clean-cut and stylish, but you aren't so vain that you don't care about comfort. These boots, are very comfortable. They are usually associated with 60's fashion and, you guessed it, the Beatles. These types of boots are usually defined by their comfortable design and elastic mouth. The Chelsea boot is fantastic, especially in the way that you can wear it with virtually anything and it will look equally as amazing


Lastly, but my most favourite choice in men's footwear, is the "dress boot" This wide variety of boots, communicate that you are a man of elegance and style. They show you to be well presented as who you are, a man with edge.

They are usually associated with European high fashion, and anyone with class. They are defined by their sleek appearance and long toe section. It is best to wear boots such as these with slimmer clothes such as skinny jeans, dress pants, and tailored suits because of their slimmer style. I would say a pair of these boots is an important footwear item for every man to have. even if he only owns one pair of shoes, this should be it. If you don't have a pair, hop onto an internet shopping site, or into your car and drive to the nearest ritzy men's shoe place. Or if you are like me, and are financially challenged, you could just shop around in all the nearbye second hand stores until you find a good pair that fits you well.


There are a few other varieties of men's boots. They are ones everybody knows, such as cowboy boots, pirate boots, snow boots, rain boots, and just plain work boots. Them being so well known, I will not insult your intelligence by feigning to educate you on them.

The boots that are little used and sadly frowned upon in our backward society are thigh high, and, or high heeled men's boots.

These I will educate you on. Here's a small history lesson. High heels were originally invented for men, to pronounce their higher stature and well formed calf muscles. Thigh highs were originally created for men, so they could perform their everyday tasks, in the water, without their clothes getting soaked.

Hopefully those will serve as thought provoking facts that will encourage a little more open mindedness or imagination into modern men's fashion.


Please contact me with any questions or comments about my posts, or about men's fashion in general. that's all for today folks, stay tuned for more great fashion facts and tips.

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