Outfit Inspiration #1
I like to start designing an outfit with one clothing item in mind. Today, this clothing item is an adorable pair of foxy, jean flats.
These shoes can be purchased there^
In my case, I just bought a pair of jean flats with the dotted pattern, and plan to create the foxes myself and add them on. If you are looking for instructions to do so, contact me via the contact tab at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Starting with our shoes, we add onto this piece by piece. Denim shirt, a polka dot skirt, a tan coloured hat to match the fox, and depending on the weather a cute leather jacket.
Altogether I'd say this was a perfect outfit scheme for any season.
Any ideas for what you might like to read about in my next blog post? Let me know in the contact tab above, I love any new ideas that might help someone out with getting the perfect wardrobe collection, or even just picking out the best "outfit du jour".